

  • JVA: Java video analysis framework 
    A cross-platform framework for quick development of video analysis applications
    [download] [publication]

  • RATSNAKE: Rapid image annotation tool using snakes
    A user-friendly cross-platform software tool for quick graphic and semantic annotation of ground truth (gold standard) images in the context of machine learning, and for decision support.
    [download] [publication]

  • INFECTION MINER: Infection pattern mining from medical image sequences
    Software implementing algorithms for detection and monitoring of infections in chest radiographs. 
    [download] [publication] 

  • SELECTIVE THRESHOLDING: Algorithm for chest x-ray analysis 
    Implementation of an algorithm for segmentation of chest radiographs.
    [download] [publication]

  • FLBP: Fuzzy binary pattern image descriptors
    Implementation of an uncertainty-aware LBP image texture descriptor.
    [download] [publication]

  • M3G: Maximum margin microarray gridding
    Implementation of a methodology for DNA microarray gridding.
    [download] [publication]

  • TND: Thyroid nodule detection system 
    A software system for the detection of thyroid nodules in ultrasound images.
    [download] [publication]

  • MICROARRAY MD: Software for exploratory analysis of DNA Microarray data 
    A software system for medical decision support based on DNA microarray data.
    [download] [publication]

  • COLD: Colorectal lesion detection software
    The first software system based on neural networks for detection of polyps in endoscopic images.
    [download] [publication] 


  • Capsule endoscope tracking dataset
    Simulated data used in E. Spyrou, and D.K. Iakovidis, Video-Based Measurements for Wireless Capsule Endoscope Tracking, Measurement Science and Technology, vol. 25, pp. 015002 (14pp), IOP Publishing, 2014 
    [download] [publication]
  • KID: A capsule endoscopy database for medical decision support
    Publicly available wireless capsule endoscopy images and videos, properly annotated for medical decision support.
    [download] [publication]